On Budget, On Time

Timing is everything. At Studio Mercury, when we commit to a project deadline, we guarantee that the work will be completed by that time. If you do not have a particular deadline, we will still give you an estimate on how long the project will take.

You get a Free Estimate

Do you have a feeling that you could be making more with your online and offline marketing strategies? Studio Mercury will analyse your website and other marketing efforts and give you some free advice on how to do more with less - with no obligation whatsoever. We will also gladly provide a free estimate for services that you are interested in.

Fixed Project Fee

At the beginning of a project you have a choice between a fixed fee or an hourly rate for your project. A fixed fee gives you the comfort of knowing that unless you change the scope of the project, there will be no change in the project cost. When a project is structured this way, typical contingencies are automatically built into the fee. Additionally, a fixed rate can't be given until a detailed scope of work is developed and signed off on. Even if you don't have the scope clearly defined, we will work with you to create a clear scope of work that will ensure success.

Hourly Rates

estimate vs. bid performance

Over a five year period, project estimates averaged out to be within 2% of final invoice.

Because marketing is usually a work in progress, it often makes sense to work on an hourly basis and receive estimates on final price. As the project unfolds, the scope becomes more detailed. When new project objectives are created, you will receive a new itemized estimate that reflects those changes. This allows you and your team to keep momentum and quickly move beyond less-effective first-draft concepts.

Do hourly rates mean that Studio Mercury can charge anything they want? Of course not. Your itemized invoice will be nearly identical your itemized estimate with only minor changes that are a natural part of the creative process.

© 2011 Studio Mercury - (913) 735-6278